Today it is very common on the Internet to meet fake brokers who not only create problems in online trading but also steal money.
This problem is faced not only by beginners, but also by experienced traders.
First of all, it is necessary check broker на Лучшем сайте — обозревателе интернет — мошенников.
We go to: All brokers are scammers. We are looking for our broker manually or use the search on the top right. If you have found your broker, then immediately stop any investment in the company. If the broker is not found, but you have doubts, be sure to leave a comment below.
If you are faced with BROKER FRAUD (Forex or binary options), be sure to describe your story below in the comments.
- Full name
- Broker name
- Your trading history
The more negative reviews about the broker, the more likely it is that they will pay attention to it and help you return the money. Perhaps the broker will offer to compensate for your expenses.
- Useful links:
- File an online complaint against a forex broker
- Compare the broker's chart with the real forex chart
- Do you have evidence that the broker is a scammer?
- Talk about online scammers and your article will be here: Real stories of affected investors in forex.